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The up to Date Meat Industry :
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The following legal notice applies to all visitors to this website. By using this website, the visitor explicitly agrees to the following general terms and conditions.
PH Liquide Belgium is a limited liability company under Belgian law, with its registered office at 9910 Aalter, Oude Brugseweg 2.
This website is intended to provide general information about PH Liquide Belgium, its products, technology and distribution channels.
PH Liquide Belgium holds the rights to the technology and intellectual property of all types of Ph Liquid products®, Bufferglucose Clean Label,® Red Star Pickle Binder®, Red Star Dry Binder® and blends of Protex® (carrageenans).
All rights relating to content such as photos, texts, logos, slogans, trade names are protected by national, international and regulatory legal texts that every visitor to the website must comply with.
To the extent that PH Liquide Belgium collects personal data from a user of its website, it will do so subject to compliance with the regulations governing the protection of personal data and electronic communications.
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Deze website is bestemd om algemene informatie ter beschikking te stellen over PH Liquide Belgium, haar producten, technologie en haar distributiekanalen.
PH Liquide Belgium bezit de rechten over de technologie en de intellectuele eigendom van alle types Ph Liquid producten®, Bufferglucose Clean Label®, Red Star Pickle Binder®, Red Star Dry Binder®, blends van Protex® (carrageenen).
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Ce site web est destiné à fournir des informations générales sur PH Liquide Belgium, ses produits, sa technologie et ses canaux de distribution.
PH Liquide Belgium possède la technologie et les droits de propriété intellectuelle de tous les types de produits Ph Liquid®, Bufferglucose Clean Label®, Red Star Pickle Binder®, Red Star Dry Binder®, mélanges Protex® (carraghénane).
Tous les droits relatifs aux contenus tels que les photos, textes, logos, slogans, noms commerciaux sont protégés par des textes nationaux, internationaux et réglementaires que chaque visiteur du site doit respecter.
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1. No part of this website may be reproduced in any form by print, photoprint, microfilm or any means without written permission from the publisher of PH Liquid Extract, additive for buffer- and curing systems, labels, directions for use, dosage and formulation.
Publications in 14 languages for the world-meat-industry.
2. PH Liquid Extract, number 1 for the world's-meat-industry for buffer- and curing systems.
3. See book publication 1964 till 1994.

See the books
The up to Date Meat Industry :
Technology - Economy - Line-productions

D/1998 PH Liquid Belgium NV, auteur-uitgever.



Contact information:
Postal adres: PH-Liquid nv - 9910 Knesselare - Belgium
E-mail: info@PH-Liquid.com


Send mail to info@PH-Liquid.com with questions or comments about this web site.
Copyright © 1998 PH Liquid Belgium Nv
Proprietery of PH Liquid Belgium Nv